OOO archive --- DEF CON CTF [ login ]

dc2020q - babymaze intro reversing

by anton00b

This was a jeopardy challenge, part of dc2020q. (CTFtime)

Points: 122
Was solved by: 53 teams
PCAPs: download

You may spawn the server:

On your laptop
  • Install docker
  • docker pull archiveooo/pub:babymaze (docker-saved download)
  • docker run -d --name babymaze archiveooo/pub:babymaze
  • Local IP: docker inspect babymaze -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.Networks.bridge.IPAddress }}'
  • Connect to that IP:7777 — Remember to docker rm -f when done.
Hosted by OOO Right now we're asking players to login first.


The flag is on the wings of the flying plane. It is possible to get the flag without instrumenting or modifying the binary. Tested on Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, and Ubuntu 20.04. You should use a system able to run the game at approximately 60 fps. It requires: sudo apt-get install freeglut3

Also checkout mamamaze, and look out for unintended solutions.
Note: might take a couple extra minutes to start accepting connections.

line_weight BabyMaze


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If you wish, you can contribute some.

There's an author-recommended writeup.