dc2019q - cant_even_unplug_it
This was a jeopardy challenge, part of dc2019q. (CTFtime)
Points: 102
Was solved by:
This challenge is solved offline, there's no server side component.
You know, we had this up and everything. Prepped nice HTML5, started deploying on a military-grade-secrets.dev subdomain, got the certificate, the whole shabang. Boss-man got moody and wanted another name, we set up the new names and all. Finally he got scared and unplugged the server. Can you believe it? Unplugged. Like that can keep it secret...
This was an easy challenge released at the start to welcome players -- but it also highlights an important development in web security.
Hint 1
See the public file :)Hint 2
There were many ways to solve the final step at the time, but some caches may have been evicted. However, there's a very reliable Internet time machine...If you wish, you can contribute more.