OOO archive --- DEF CON CTF [ login ]

dc2021q - mooosl pwn

by slipper

This was a jeopardy challenge, part of dc2021q. (CTFtime)

This challenge was represented as 💪
Points: 177
Was solved by: 18 teams

You may spawn the server:

On your laptop
  • Install docker
  • docker pull archiveooo/pub:mooosl (docker-saved download)
  • docker run -d --name mooosl archiveooo/pub:mooosl
  • Local IP: docker inspect mooosl -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.Networks.bridge.IPAddress }}'
  • Connect to that IP:23333 — Remember to docker rm -f when done.
On your laptop (full source)
  • Install docker and pip install PyYAML coloredlogs
  • git clone
  • cd mooosl
  • ./spawner --log-level=INFO
  • Connect to the ip:port displayed
Hosted by OOO Right now we're asking players to login first.


check my new baby toy! (Ubuntu 21.04: apt install musl)

line_weight mooosl line_weight


None yet :(
If you wish, you can contribute some.


Spoilers ahead! Code for this challenge is publicly available.